About Kyle Väth, RN

Kyle has worked as a Director of Operations and Quality Coordinator at an FQHC in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a Registered Nurse and his experience has spanned a variety of healthcare sectors including Critical Care, Long-Term Care, the payer industry, social services, and even abroad in rural Africa. Kyle will earn his MHA from Ohio University in December, 2017.

Go (Almost) Paperless

Kyle Väth, Solutions Consultant In our almost-new 2018, Quality Improvement (QI) coordinators all over the country are planning to ramp-up a new year…bracing for the ever-present mantra…”That’s a ‘quality’ issue”. There’s no doubt that some QI coordinator somewhere will again be overwhelmed by a broad-spectrum of concerns. So how do team [...]

By | 2018-02-22T14:49:51+00:00 February 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|732 Comments


If you have submitted at least one UDS for your health center, you know this struggle all too well. You run all of your reports and then compare them to your previous year’s outcomes and notice that one of your metrics is totally different than your new numbers. You’ve had lots of events and [...]

By | 2017-11-01T15:36:04+00:00 January 3rd, 2017|HRSA Readiness & Compliance|1,751 Comments